I'm sorry I haven't brought you a new Nello story recently, BUT blame that on my college, well, community college, LOL.
I've had several projects and other things going on, but within the next couple days I will update everyone, and throw in a story about how my girlfriend and I got a surprise visitor while staying in Nello's house at 2a.m.
See you soon!
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Monday, February 28, 2011
A Little Infiltration Of My Own /// 100+ Followers! /// WHHAAAAAAA?!?!!
Back on the 17th of this month I did some reconnaissance work as a little treat for you viewers, just so you could get an exclusive look into my GRANDPA'S LAIR!
My old room.
He NEVER sleeps under the warm comforter, just under that really thin blanket. After he got his toes amputated (when looking at his left foot it looks like this big toe --> U''uu <-- pinky toe) there was a space between his big toe and his remaining two smaller toes where the sheets supposedly would get caught during the night, and that would irritate his foot. It's been a long time since the amputation, he sometimes puts something between the three toes to make his foot more comfortable and he complains about being cold, I SWEAR that comforter is warm, you just have to lay under it, not on top of it.
He's got a television in there AND a computer.
A full bath and walk in closet, not to mention the king sized bed. I guess old people are just grumpy sometimes, lol.
Right where that carpet is is where the 'Nello's Yelling Woke Me Up In A Fright...' blog took place.
Shower has a built in seat, great for old people!
I still have some stuff in that closet...
Let's get these taxes done...
Taxes drawer, of course!
Bank stuff...
Hold on, what's this unmarked envelope?
All the WHHAAAAAAAA???? fanned out.
About last time around tax season I was over my grandfather's house along with my Nello and my mom and step-dad, while Nello was in his old bedroom I was talking with my mom and step-dad, I walked into the other room to ask my grandpa something and I happened to see a boob as he was filing through his tax drawer. My face did one of these :O and I got out of there quick, he didn't even notice I had entered the room.
Later on it was more like this : | .
I then did what anyone else with a horrible sense of humor would have done, brought all my friends over his house just to show them what I had stumbled upon! : D
Many months after the adult taxes... my mom had mentioned to me that Nello had mentioned he wanted something from his house, when she was looking for whatever he requested she hadn't found it, but found condoms instead. After she told me about her find, I then proceeded to search for them the next time I was there only to find that they had been moved... Does anybody else think that my grandpa may be sneaking old women into my old bedroom to do 'old' stuff with? Where the hell did he take the condoms to, and why does he need them? A year later and I still have NO IDEA where they went...
OVER 100 FOLLOWERS! THANK YOU EVERYBODY! If anybody has any requests for more 'infiltration' type pictures OR has any questions just ask via message or comment!
My old room.
He NEVER sleeps under the warm comforter, just under that really thin blanket. After he got his toes amputated (when looking at his left foot it looks like this big toe --> U''uu <-- pinky toe) there was a space between his big toe and his remaining two smaller toes where the sheets supposedly would get caught during the night, and that would irritate his foot. It's been a long time since the amputation, he sometimes puts something between the three toes to make his foot more comfortable and he complains about being cold, I SWEAR that comforter is warm, you just have to lay under it, not on top of it.
He's got a television in there AND a computer.
A full bath and walk in closet, not to mention the king sized bed. I guess old people are just grumpy sometimes, lol.
Right where that carpet is is where the 'Nello's Yelling Woke Me Up In A Fright...' blog took place.
Shower has a built in seat, great for old people!
I still have some stuff in that closet...
Let's get these taxes done...
Taxes drawer, of course!
Bank stuff...
Hold on, what's this unmarked envelope?
All the WHHAAAAAAAA???? fanned out.
About last time around tax season I was over my grandfather's house along with my Nello and my mom and step-dad, while Nello was in his old bedroom I was talking with my mom and step-dad, I walked into the other room to ask my grandpa something and I happened to see a boob as he was filing through his tax drawer. My face did one of these :O and I got out of there quick, he didn't even notice I had entered the room.
Later on it was more like this : | .
I then did what anyone else with a horrible sense of humor would have done, brought all my friends over his house just to show them what I had stumbled upon! : D
Many months after the adult taxes... my mom had mentioned to me that Nello had mentioned he wanted something from his house, when she was looking for whatever he requested she hadn't found it, but found condoms instead. After she told me about her find, I then proceeded to search for them the next time I was there only to find that they had been moved... Does anybody else think that my grandpa may be sneaking old women into my old bedroom to do 'old' stuff with? Where the hell did he take the condoms to, and why does he need them? A year later and I still have NO IDEA where they went...
OVER 100 FOLLOWERS! THANK YOU EVERYBODY! If anybody has any requests for more 'infiltration' type pictures OR has any questions just ask via message or comment!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Nello. The Hole Throwing Up Thing. /// From Febuary 26th, 2010
Yesterday Nello threw up, yes, it WAS into his dinner plate. My mother had reported that he continued to eat what was on his plate. I too would like to think that he ate his own regurgitations, but I'm sure that was taken off his plate. I know my mom would have tried to take his plate away and give him new, non-vomit tainted food but knowing Nello I'm sure he stubbornly insisted on keeping his plate.
I woke up to what sounded almost like yelling, but was more of a very stern talking. My mom was saying something to Nello, all I remember was hearing "You should be saying thank you..." and something about how she suspects his "amish built heater" (THAT ONLY COSTS TWO CENTS AN HOUR! sure it does) is costing A LOT more than it should be. (My mother isn't a thank you nazi, she just said that because he was complaining and being extremely rude) Today I had school from 9:00-11:30 a.m. and had an orthodontic appointment at 2:00 p.m. When I got home I wanted to eat lunch, shit (because I had to shit), and shower. After wards I had to drop off work clothes to my mom then leave and go right to the orthodontist. Nello had given me a couple of dollars to buy him chocolate and Efferdent, which are tablets you drop into a cup of water with dentures in order to clean them. Angelo wanted me to get S.O.S. pads as well. I was planning on going to Wal-Mart after I got back from the orthodontist.
After taking my shower I got dressed. I then proceeded to walk from my room to the door that leads to the garage. While walking through the living/family room Nello says "You're back!" I then informed him that I never even left the house after coming back from school. I was now gathering the items I need, by the door, and he shot a snappy "You didn't leave yet!?" at me. I yelled "No." and he hit back with a very disappointed and disgusted "Jeeze..." I then angrily snapped back at him saying "I came home, had to eat, shit and shower. Now I have to bring mom her shit for work and then I have to go to the orthodontist!" I guess he didn't even know what I was saying. He just heard noise, he didn't know what I had sad. Oh well.
Angelo then asked Nello what was wrong and Nello told him "If he would have left he would have been home by now!" (Well let's see Nello, you didn't specify a time. In essence I could have left at any time, I wouldn't have necessarily made it to Wal-Mart and back home if I would have left ten minutes prior to that statement. By the way, when I go to Wal-Mart I like to take my time.) Then Angelo came over by me and said "Don't worry, it's okay..." I interrupted him with "I'm gonna fucking kill 'em..." He didn't say anything, perhaps he doesn't have any objections.
After I dropped my mother's things off at her work I headed to the orthodontist's office. This summer will make it the big six! Six fun-filled years with braces, my teeth weren't bad enough to deserve to be dressed in metal for that long. I don't mind it, I'm actually dreading the day I get them off. I'll be naked, and I'll be vulnerable to the world. I hope it doesn't look too strange. I was offered three bags of popcorn at that office, I took them in hopes of delivering one to a few of my friends. I ended up eating one and as soon as I exited the freeway I stopped at the Nick's house. So I then pawned off bags of popcorn on Courtney and Nick. I watched a few minutes of the motion picture 'Sybil', briefly whispered about the car situation for getting to a club about 40 minutes away to see the Tough Shits (http://toughshits.muxtape.com, The Tough Shits are fucking great.) and then finally left. I headed to Wal-Mart, located the S.O.S. pads and the Efferdent, then grabbed the chocolate bar and went to check out. There was a nice looking woman at the self check-out, she was anywhere from her thirties into her forties. She eventually apologized to me for taking so long checking out, I didn't mind, she was a total M.I.L.F. I was given a chance to not only check her out but also the stories and tips Cosmo was offered.
I made way back home and Nello didn't even know I was home for about five to ten minutes until Angelo informed him that I was right in the kitchen. Nello didn't utter a single word to me for hours. I ended up going straight into my room and taking a nap, nothing else to do on a Friday without a car. I was awoken by a loud thud, I knew it had to be Nello crashing to the ground. I jumped up from grabbing shorts, while in the process of pulling them up I smacked myself in the nose and gave my self a nose bleed.
I eventually had some dinner after Nello was gone from the table. About two hours later Nello was ready for me to "do" his foot. Since his second and third toes, on his left foot, were amputated there is now a small hole in place of them. Peroxide has to be applied to that area and then a small piece of peroxide soaked gauze has to be rung out and "gently packed" into this hole. Then a one inch by one inch piece of gauze has to be placed against that whole hole area. As I was snipping a little piece of gauze off the roll and soaking it in peroxide he started saying "What the hell..." then trailed off. I then reminded him what the doctor had instructed. His scissors fell off the counter when I had grabbed a package of gauze, he was getting very loud, to an almost yelling extent. "Those are good scissors! You're gunna bend them!" he shouted at me. Yes, they fell on a tile floor, but these scissors aren't some cheap thin pair, these are very durable metal. I assured him "There's no way they're going to bend." I don't remember what he tried to stick at me after that. Finally, the foot has to be wrapped by gauze. After our little hangout session he laid down in bed, despite that he still had to take his nightly vitamin and shoot himself with some Lantus. Lantus is a form of insulin that Nello takes at night, though he claimed he had taken it earlier that day. That, as my stepfather and I both knew, was complete hogwash. He also said he had already taken his night time vitamin, again hogwash. After we were done checking his sugar and administering the insulin he wanted to talk to me. He started instructing me how to talk to him. Informing me that he can't hear me when I'm not facing him, he can't hear me even when I am facing him, so what's the difference. He continued to tell me that he didn't know what I had even said earlier and that my step-dad had to inform him that I needed to drop things off to my mom.
I honestly would not want to live at the quality of live he's starting to live. Nello's one of those people who can do everything for themselves, someone who doesn't like accepting help from others. Now he has no choice. I know he gets confused quite a bit, I'm guessing there may also be something going on in his head. There are times I do feel bad, as if I should be more patient, but it's not like I'm yelling at him saying "YOU'RE OLD AND CONFUSED ALL THE TIME! YOU FALL AND CAN BARELY WALK! YOU'RE DIABETIC!" I'm sure Nello feels as bad as I do.
I woke up to what sounded almost like yelling, but was more of a very stern talking. My mom was saying something to Nello, all I remember was hearing "You should be saying thank you..." and something about how she suspects his "amish built heater" (THAT ONLY COSTS TWO CENTS AN HOUR! sure it does) is costing A LOT more than it should be. (My mother isn't a thank you nazi, she just said that because he was complaining and being extremely rude) Today I had school from 9:00-11:30 a.m. and had an orthodontic appointment at 2:00 p.m. When I got home I wanted to eat lunch, shit (because I had to shit), and shower. After wards I had to drop off work clothes to my mom then leave and go right to the orthodontist. Nello had given me a couple of dollars to buy him chocolate and Efferdent, which are tablets you drop into a cup of water with dentures in order to clean them. Angelo wanted me to get S.O.S. pads as well. I was planning on going to Wal-Mart after I got back from the orthodontist.
After taking my shower I got dressed. I then proceeded to walk from my room to the door that leads to the garage. While walking through the living/family room Nello says "You're back!" I then informed him that I never even left the house after coming back from school. I was now gathering the items I need, by the door, and he shot a snappy "You didn't leave yet!?" at me. I yelled "No." and he hit back with a very disappointed and disgusted "Jeeze..." I then angrily snapped back at him saying "I came home, had to eat, shit and shower. Now I have to bring mom her shit for work and then I have to go to the orthodontist!" I guess he didn't even know what I was saying. He just heard noise, he didn't know what I had sad. Oh well.
Angelo then asked Nello what was wrong and Nello told him "If he would have left he would have been home by now!" (Well let's see Nello, you didn't specify a time. In essence I could have left at any time, I wouldn't have necessarily made it to Wal-Mart and back home if I would have left ten minutes prior to that statement. By the way, when I go to Wal-Mart I like to take my time.) Then Angelo came over by me and said "Don't worry, it's okay..." I interrupted him with "I'm gonna fucking kill 'em..." He didn't say anything, perhaps he doesn't have any objections.
After I dropped my mother's things off at her work I headed to the orthodontist's office. This summer will make it the big six! Six fun-filled years with braces, my teeth weren't bad enough to deserve to be dressed in metal for that long. I don't mind it, I'm actually dreading the day I get them off. I'll be naked, and I'll be vulnerable to the world. I hope it doesn't look too strange. I was offered three bags of popcorn at that office, I took them in hopes of delivering one to a few of my friends. I ended up eating one and as soon as I exited the freeway I stopped at the Nick's house. So I then pawned off bags of popcorn on Courtney and Nick. I watched a few minutes of the motion picture 'Sybil', briefly whispered about the car situation for getting to a club about 40 minutes away to see the Tough Shits (http://toughshits.muxtape.com, The Tough Shits are fucking great.) and then finally left. I headed to Wal-Mart, located the S.O.S. pads and the Efferdent, then grabbed the chocolate bar and went to check out. There was a nice looking woman at the self check-out, she was anywhere from her thirties into her forties. She eventually apologized to me for taking so long checking out, I didn't mind, she was a total M.I.L.F. I was given a chance to not only check her out but also the stories and tips Cosmo was offered.
I made way back home and Nello didn't even know I was home for about five to ten minutes until Angelo informed him that I was right in the kitchen. Nello didn't utter a single word to me for hours. I ended up going straight into my room and taking a nap, nothing else to do on a Friday without a car. I was awoken by a loud thud, I knew it had to be Nello crashing to the ground. I jumped up from grabbing shorts, while in the process of pulling them up I smacked myself in the nose and gave my self a nose bleed.
I eventually had some dinner after Nello was gone from the table. About two hours later Nello was ready for me to "do" his foot. Since his second and third toes, on his left foot, were amputated there is now a small hole in place of them. Peroxide has to be applied to that area and then a small piece of peroxide soaked gauze has to be rung out and "gently packed" into this hole. Then a one inch by one inch piece of gauze has to be placed against that whole hole area. As I was snipping a little piece of gauze off the roll and soaking it in peroxide he started saying "What the hell..." then trailed off. I then reminded him what the doctor had instructed. His scissors fell off the counter when I had grabbed a package of gauze, he was getting very loud, to an almost yelling extent. "Those are good scissors! You're gunna bend them!" he shouted at me. Yes, they fell on a tile floor, but these scissors aren't some cheap thin pair, these are very durable metal. I assured him "There's no way they're going to bend." I don't remember what he tried to stick at me after that. Finally, the foot has to be wrapped by gauze. After our little hangout session he laid down in bed, despite that he still had to take his nightly vitamin and shoot himself with some Lantus. Lantus is a form of insulin that Nello takes at night, though he claimed he had taken it earlier that day. That, as my stepfather and I both knew, was complete hogwash. He also said he had already taken his night time vitamin, again hogwash. After we were done checking his sugar and administering the insulin he wanted to talk to me. He started instructing me how to talk to him. Informing me that he can't hear me when I'm not facing him, he can't hear me even when I am facing him, so what's the difference. He continued to tell me that he didn't know what I had even said earlier and that my step-dad had to inform him that I needed to drop things off to my mom.
I honestly would not want to live at the quality of live he's starting to live. Nello's one of those people who can do everything for themselves, someone who doesn't like accepting help from others. Now he has no choice. I know he gets confused quite a bit, I'm guessing there may also be something going on in his head. There are times I do feel bad, as if I should be more patient, but it's not like I'm yelling at him saying "YOU'RE OLD AND CONFUSED ALL THE TIME! YOU FALL AND CAN BARELY WALK! YOU'RE DIABETIC!" I'm sure Nello feels as bad as I do.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
>A text from my friend
I received a text message from my friend, who's away at college right now, saying:
>have girl over to stay night >roommate will not leave >tell roommate to GET THE FUCK OUT >he storms out
>one half hour he's back >doesn't knock >interrupts blow job >freaks out yells and throws things
>LEAVES >tattles to ****** (name ommited, but it's this girl my friend's 'talking' to)
>she knocks on door to cock block >tell her to GET THE FUCK OUT >finish getting blow job
>roommate slept in car >fuck yeah
Things like this really make me love my friends.
>have girl over to stay night >roommate will not leave >tell roommate to GET THE FUCK OUT >he storms out
>one half hour he's back >doesn't knock >interrupts blow job >freaks out yells and throws things
>LEAVES >tattles to ****** (name ommited, but it's this girl my friend's 'talking' to)
>she knocks on door to cock block >tell her to GET THE FUCK OUT >finish getting blow job
>roommate slept in car >fuck yeah
Things like this really make me love my friends.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Nello's Yelling Woke Me Up In A Fright /// From Febuary 12, 2010 /// Domain Registration Yahoo
A couple minutes before 3:30 a.m. I'm not sure what's going on, I was previously in the state of sleep. I hear "Anthony!", I figured my mother and/or step-dad would have heard as well, and could have corrected what ever the hell was the problem. It became evident that they weren't hearing what ever it was, I soon found out it was Nello.
When I eventually realized that Nello was yelling for me, I jumped out of bed and into some sweat pants and made my way into his room. I found him lying on the bathroom floor, telling me he's been there for an hour. I really don't want to over analyze this almost 4:00 a.m. bullshit, but I feel he may have been complaining, as if I should have woken up the second he and his walker came crashing down. (Added 2/21/2011: He had an attitude about the whole situation, a sort of anger, that he felt necessary to aim towards me at that ungodly hour. Lying on the floor, realizing you can't even get up, thinking about how old you really are and what you can and can't do, I'm sure most people in that situation would have had as much hostility as he did.)
His room still smells retched, not as terrible as before, because the rotting flesh that were his toes are gone, but it's still quite unbearable. (He had two toes removed last Tuesday, his second and third starting from his big toe) I hated having to treat and dress his foot, it was disgusting, I had to breathe out of my mouth because it smelled that horrible. As soon as I was done with that process I'd get to go into the hall and take a nice, real deep breath of air and then I scrubbed my hands. The napkins and needles he insists on re-using, are just as disgusting. Hey kids, if you have diabetes DON'T reuse your needles, but I know none of you are that stubborn to do so.
My friend Courtney commented on this blog saying:
"..i took the time to read it, but only after i heard a tumble down the stairs... and walked over to find nick covered in water, ice all over the carpet, and nick (her boyfriend, also my friend) sitting on the bottom of the steps. he also had suffered from a fall this fine morning."
I really enjoyed reading her comment, it provided a needed laugh.
Courtney and Nick are now pregnant, well just Courtney's technically pregnant...
I just wanted to wish them a very happy congratulations on their soon to be newest addition to their union!
I know there are several other 'look what this old person does or says!' internet networking profiles, but I really enjoy telling people I don't know about a part of my life. Is something like this too generic to register for a free domain registration yahoo account? Just wondering what everyone thinks, right now I'm leaning towards sticking with this and seeing if anybody would even care enough to want an actual site.
When I eventually realized that Nello was yelling for me, I jumped out of bed and into some sweat pants and made my way into his room. I found him lying on the bathroom floor, telling me he's been there for an hour. I really don't want to over analyze this almost 4:00 a.m. bullshit, but I feel he may have been complaining, as if I should have woken up the second he and his walker came crashing down. (Added 2/21/2011: He had an attitude about the whole situation, a sort of anger, that he felt necessary to aim towards me at that ungodly hour. Lying on the floor, realizing you can't even get up, thinking about how old you really are and what you can and can't do, I'm sure most people in that situation would have had as much hostility as he did.)
His room still smells retched, not as terrible as before, because the rotting flesh that were his toes are gone, but it's still quite unbearable. (He had two toes removed last Tuesday, his second and third starting from his big toe) I hated having to treat and dress his foot, it was disgusting, I had to breathe out of my mouth because it smelled that horrible. As soon as I was done with that process I'd get to go into the hall and take a nice, real deep breath of air and then I scrubbed my hands. The napkins and needles he insists on re-using, are just as disgusting. Hey kids, if you have diabetes DON'T reuse your needles, but I know none of you are that stubborn to do so.
My friend Courtney commented on this blog saying:
"..i took the time to read it, but only after i heard a tumble down the stairs... and walked over to find nick covered in water, ice all over the carpet, and nick (her boyfriend, also my friend) sitting on the bottom of the steps. he also had suffered from a fall this fine morning."
I really enjoyed reading her comment, it provided a needed laugh.
Courtney and Nick are now pregnant, well just Courtney's technically pregnant...
I just wanted to wish them a very happy congratulations on their soon to be newest addition to their union!
I know there are several other 'look what this old person does or says!' internet networking profiles, but I really enjoy telling people I don't know about a part of my life. Is something like this too generic to register for a free domain registration yahoo account? Just wondering what everyone thinks, right now I'm leaning towards sticking with this and seeing if anybody would even care enough to want an actual site.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Nello Updates /// From January 26th 2010
I've been neglecting the Nello blog, I have been in school so I have seen fewer and fewer traces of him lately. It begins again.
On Tuesday, January 12th, Nello insisted on going to Wal-Mart to pick up some medication and also to grab a few essentials. In addition to the medication he wanted two GIANT chocolate bars, bread, and stool softener. Instead of letting me ask where the stool softener was he just had to drive around on one of those to stupid electric carts aisle after aisle. He kept circling around from orthopedic needs to make up several times around each aisle, bumping into things and trying to push his way through people while managing to knock over a bunch of vitamins that his caring grandson kindly picked them all up and fixed the display. Eventually resulting in the seizing of the stool softener.
On Friday, January 22nd, I asked Nello, "Grandpa, can I take the car tonight?" he responded with "What time will you be home?" I asked him, "What time do you want me home?" The previous week he would say something to the effects of 12 or don't be home too late. But that night, a Friday, he said "Ten, ten-thirty." It was around 8:10p.m. and he wanted me home at ten. Isn't that, "some bullshit?" Right after he said that I said, "Oh, never mind, Walty's going to pick me up, bye." So I just walked up to Waffle House (which took 30-40 minutes.)
The next day, Saturday the 23rd I walked to Tim King's apartment because I didn't want to make anyone come pick me up and there was no way I was going to ask Nello. So I was just sitting in my friend's apartment waiting for him, and a few other friends to get there. Tim's sister and her boyfriend ended up coming home before Tim and everyone else, and I was just sitting there when they walked in, so that was weird.*
On Tuesday, January 12th, Nello insisted on going to Wal-Mart to pick up some medication and also to grab a few essentials. In addition to the medication he wanted two GIANT chocolate bars, bread, and stool softener. Instead of letting me ask where the stool softener was he just had to drive around on one of those to stupid electric carts aisle after aisle. He kept circling around from orthopedic needs to make up several times around each aisle, bumping into things and trying to push his way through people while managing to knock over a bunch of vitamins that his caring grandson kindly picked them all up and fixed the display. Eventually resulting in the seizing of the stool softener.
On Friday, January 22nd, I asked Nello, "Grandpa, can I take the car tonight?" he responded with "What time will you be home?" I asked him, "What time do you want me home?" The previous week he would say something to the effects of 12 or don't be home too late. But that night, a Friday, he said "Ten, ten-thirty." It was around 8:10p.m. and he wanted me home at ten. Isn't that, "some bullshit?" Right after he said that I said, "Oh, never mind, Walty's going to pick me up, bye." So I just walked up to Waffle House (which took 30-40 minutes.)
The next day, Saturday the 23rd I walked to Tim King's apartment because I didn't want to make anyone come pick me up and there was no way I was going to ask Nello. So I was just sitting in my friend's apartment waiting for him, and a few other friends to get there. Tim's sister and her boyfriend ended up coming home before Tim and everyone else, and I was just sitting there when they walked in, so that was weird.*
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Class of 1948 /// From January 19th, 2010
Yesterday (Jan. 18th, 2010) I had to wake up at 7:00 a.m. in order to get ready, make sure Nello was ready and get him to a deli about 25 minutes away.My mom was kind enough to dress his foo
Of course Nello has to be everywhere an hour early, it was about 20-30 minutes before any other youngsters showed up. We could have gotten there an hour later and still have had time to order. Finally everyone was ready to order, they all had their decaf and sweet 'n' low. Nello ordered two sunny side up eggs, with toast and two pieces of bacon. I just had a ham, egg, and cheese bagel.
I was in between Nello and his cousin, Mario(***). There were a couple of wise guys sitting around them. Some of the subjects these senior citizens covered were as follows: cargo ships, gambling, golf, grandchildren, news (national and international), war time, weather, 'young guys', and zoot suits.Too bad my bagel sandwich didn't last longer, it should have been bigger.
After we left Manhattan Deli we went straight to BJ's to pick up some prosciutto and milk. Nello also had to buy a 12 pack of paper towels, the double ones that are almost the size of 2 paper towel rolls put togther. While he was waiting for his meat this old lady picked up a very large bag of rolls, and was rudely trying to contact a deli associate in order to inquire about the contents. "Are there twelve rolls in here?" Clearly, ANYONE, besides her, would realize there were more than just a dozen. "No, there are twenty rolls in there." The lady replied, "Oh, wow!"
I really fucking hate old people.
***My grandpa's cousin, Mario, is now deceased as of a few months ago, but before he died he was over my house, talking to my grandpa, and they were on the subject of costs of women and in reference to thousands of dollars Mario said "No pussy's worth that much." This is by far one of thee greatest things I've ever heard an 80 year old man say. ALSO, I don't know what I did to the spacing up top, and the small letter size down here, sorry...
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Nello's Car Mirror (Something I Failed To Mention) /// From January 17th, 2010
On Tuesday, the 12th (January 2010) I was listening to Lady Gaga's "Poker Face" and I pulled into my driveway, proceeded to pull into my garage and took Nello's car mirror off. Coincidentally the next time I went to drive his car Lady Gaga was on, again, I believe it was "Bad Romance."

I really don't know how I even did this, I must be some kind of retarded.
*Nello ended up paying for this, which was really nice of him not to make me pay all $350 dollars...*
Just wanted to shout out a little thank you to all of my new followers!
That heart's a day later, but oh well, just take it!
I really don't know how I even did this, I must be some kind of retarded.
*Nello ended up paying for this, which was really nice of him not to make me pay all $350 dollars...*
Just wanted to shout out a little thank you to all of my new followers!
That heart's a day later, but oh well, just take it!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Braces & Hepatitis C
I have no braces, nor do I have Hepatitis C, today's a good day. I had braces for 6 and half years, yes, I said 6. Recently I received a letter from The American Red Cross saying that I could have the Hep but that I most likely did not, and after some blood results from my doctor's office I'm pleased to say that I do not have Hepatitis C, although I'm extremely upset about never being able to give blood, EVER again.
As soon as school and work cool down I'll post more about where/who I thought I could have caught Hepatitis from, and maybe I'll even throw in a couple pictures of the letter.
As soon as school and work cool down I'll post more about where/who I thought I could have caught Hepatitis from, and maybe I'll even throw in a couple pictures of the letter.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
"The Nello Blog Begins" /// From January 17th, 2010
Before I start with current stories, I'll be taking old blogs from my MySpace and posting them here, trust me, there's more to come. This is was the first blog out of a few from when my grandfather first moved in, enjoy! Some even have pictures!*
*The pictures in these blogs from my old MySpace were uploaded to picture uploading site, I know they're not very good quality wise, but I have long since deleted the originals.
This is it, I've had enough. The Nello Blog begins.
Sometime in June 2009 Nello, my grandfather, was taken to the hospital for...I can't even remember, maybe his blood sugar was too low. My stepfather had to break down Nello's door after a panicked period of no response from him. This happened the same day of prom but I just brushed it off. He's had to have numerous multiple bypass heart surgeries, so this was nothing.
From that point on, for many months, he was getting weaker by the day. I can't completely recall, but either in September or October my mother asked to see his leg, then soon after she asked to take his sock off. That moment is when the black was first discovered. His second and third toe, the big toe being the first, were stuck together and there was some sort of black in between them, binding them together. As his leg grew colder and more painful the black grew as well.
The doctor recommended pouring betadine in between his toes to dry out the black substance. Also, he instructed placing gauze pads in between each one of the toes, keeping them separated. Never mentioning anything about how the black could very well be gangrene, we knew. Now if Nello ever knew is beyond me, I don't think he thought about it, but I really wouldn't know.
After many days of treating and dressing his foot his surgery date was at hand. My mother had spent hours waiting at the hospital after taking him there at 6:00 a.m., it was either a Tuesday or a Thursday, I know that because I had English class that day and I arrived about 10-15 minutes late and the class was already gone, they were let out early. My step dad and I arrived at 12:00 p.m., we didn't get to see him until 6:00 p.m., those six hours were some of the most boring hours I had to sit through in quite some time.
For the entire month of December Nello stayed in an extended care facility, while he wasn't in a hospital. They felt he was ready to be released back into the wild, but he still needed assistance. Bringing him to my room, his domain is where I used to call home, where I used to lay my head. I don't ever want to lay my head back down there due to his head leaving a cheese sent where he rests. (This information is from a disclosed source and will not be revealed.)
Now from 3-5 days a week I have to treat and dress his foot, supervise the process of checking his blood sugar. and I have to feed him 1 or 2 times a day. I also have to make sure he's taken all his pills throughout the day. I don't ever want kids...
Today for dinner I made Nello a piece of flounder finished with a nice cheese and bread crumb topping, along with a few herbs and spices. I also made him sun dried tomato mashed potatoes, they were instant. At the end of our candle lit meal he claims that there are raisins in his potatoes.

Why the fuck would there be raisins in mashed mother fucking potatoes? Anybody have a valid excuse for raisins in potatoes? I sure as hell don't. He kept insisting that there were two raisins in his potatoes. After looking at the ingredients list I inform him that there are no raisins present in the product that I cooked him.

He proceeds to say "I could taste 'em, I know these are raisins..."
How can people insist they're right when you show them the facts and completely fact fuck them?

^Look for yourself, these are no fucking raisins.
*The pictures in these blogs from my old MySpace were uploaded to picture uploading site, I know they're not very good quality wise, but I have long since deleted the originals.
This is it, I've had enough. The Nello Blog begins.
Sometime in June 2009 Nello, my grandfather, was taken to the hospital for...I can't even remember, maybe his blood sugar was too low. My stepfather had to break down Nello's door after a panicked period of no response from him. This happened the same day of prom but I just brushed it off. He's had to have numerous multiple bypass heart surgeries, so this was nothing.
From that point on, for many months, he was getting weaker by the day. I can't completely recall, but either in September or October my mother asked to see his leg, then soon after she asked to take his sock off. That moment is when the black was first discovered. His second and third toe, the big toe being the first, were stuck together and there was some sort of black in between them, binding them together. As his leg grew colder and more painful the black grew as well.
The doctor recommended pouring betadine in between his toes to dry out the black substance. Also, he instructed placing gauze pads in between each one of the toes, keeping them separated. Never mentioning anything about how the black could very well be gangrene, we knew. Now if Nello ever knew is beyond me, I don't think he thought about it, but I really wouldn't know.
After many days of treating and dressing his foot his surgery date was at hand. My mother had spent hours waiting at the hospital after taking him there at 6:00 a.m., it was either a Tuesday or a Thursday, I know that because I had English class that day and I arrived about 10-15 minutes late and the class was already gone, they were let out early. My step dad and I arrived at 12:00 p.m., we didn't get to see him until 6:00 p.m., those six hours were some of the most boring hours I had to sit through in quite some time.
For the entire month of December Nello stayed in an extended care facility, while he wasn't in a hospital. They felt he was ready to be released back into the wild, but he still needed assistance. Bringing him to my room, his domain is where I used to call home, where I used to lay my head. I don't ever want to lay my head back down there due to his head leaving a cheese sent where he rests. (This information is from a disclosed source and will not be revealed.)
Now from 3-5 days a week I have to treat and dress his foot, supervise the process of checking his blood sugar. and I have to feed him 1 or 2 times a day. I also have to make sure he's taken all his pills throughout the day. I don't ever want kids...
Today for dinner I made Nello a piece of flounder finished with a nice cheese and bread crumb topping, along with a few herbs and spices. I also made him sun dried tomato mashed potatoes, they were instant. At the end of our candle lit meal he claims that there are raisins in his potatoes.
Why the fuck would there be raisins in mashed mother fucking potatoes? Anybody have a valid excuse for raisins in potatoes? I sure as hell don't. He kept insisting that there were two raisins in his potatoes. After looking at the ingredients list I inform him that there are no raisins present in the product that I cooked him.
He proceeds to say "I could taste 'em, I know these are raisins..."
How can people insist they're right when you show them the facts and completely fact fuck them?
^Look for yourself, these are no fucking raisins.
Monday, February 7, 2011
January 1st, 2010-The infiltration
January 1st, 2010, is the day that Nello, my mother's father, moved into my household. At the time I was 19 years old, I didn't have a car, my 'relationship' was in shambles, and I was moving into the 'pink room', as the spare bedroom of my house is usually referred to as. Exactly! Fecal matter! 'Shit' was the only thing that came to my mind, and it stunk, oh it stunk. The infiltration began, I had began to blog via MySpace, although I only posted a few stories I have countless 'Oh that Nello...' stories, and they'll be right here, very soon.
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